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CFM work in progress preview

Started by pierre, Aug 11, 2023, 06:35 PM

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That reference curve is valid for JFK-CDG route or can be used anywhere?
Yesterday i was reproducing trip of minister Chirac from Lima to Hao in 1987, one of the longest non-stop flight
of Concorde. See official reports from pictures. I landed with only 400kg fuel more than reported 15.400kg.
Same distance, same weights. I will implement that new flightmodel in next Heritage package update.
Seems accurate and without CFM tool i could not make it. Good job Pierre.


Hi Gaston,

Great news.

CFM can be used with any supersonic (only) flight.

Waiting to test the new flight model... ;)

Break the sound barrier...


Hi Pierre, here is new flight model, place it to the main Concorde folder and overwrite the old one. Get ready for slightly different performance especially at high loads.


forgot to add two files, add them to concorde_fxp/objects


Hi Gaston,

Thanks a lot.

Will test it...
Break the sound barrier...


Any feedback? let me know if this performance works for you guys


Hi Gaston,

Sorry for late reply, I'm not in a good shape these few days.
I will test the flight model ASAP.

Break the sound barrier...


@gastonreif Around 12t too much = TO not aviable for a lfpg/kjfk/41 people flight. Unable for me to use the software


@smati You are talking about CPS-NG setup? i was asking for test flight breaking mach 1, it has no effect on planning via CPS-NG


@gastonreif  Good evening. I just tested with acf and objects files. To get to M01, it's very difficult. But above all, to go above M01, it is impossible because the plane is too heavy. I disengaged Maxclim and used vs. As soon as I reach the good configuration (VS / speed), if I slightly increase VS (for example 500 feet/min), the speed drops and the VS/speed configuration is no longer good. In addition, fuel consumption is enormous. I used half the fuel to get to M 1.10. For the moment I am going back to the original acf file.


Ok Smati Thanks. Stay with the old file. The new flightmodel for some reason works only on my machine and i cant find why.


I`m pleased to announce that I have successfully finished Heritage package v3.89 which match correct fuel flow in CFM. This is important for all of you using Colimata 3.50 where fuel flow is very low and unrealistic you can fly over 4500nm. 


Thanks a lot Gaston.
May I have the latest version, please?
Break the sound barrier...


i will send it when new video tutorials will be online, give me two or three weeks


@gastonreif  Hello Gaston, is this the version currently online?